We recently attended a workshop hosted by our friends at Everwell Health Solutions. The event, entitled, “A Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying DATs for TB,” offered a practical playbook to those who are thinking about implementing or scaling digital adherence technologies in the global health context.
Andrew Cross and Kelly Collins of Everwell kicked off the workshop with an excellent overview of concrete, phased steps for effective implementation. Then, several partners shared practical, hands-on experience in deploying the Everwell Hub and Hub-enabled 99DOTS, VOT, and evirMED devices.
These partners included:
- Kristian van Kalmthout and Job van Rest of KNCV discussing DAT scale up work with the ASCENT project
- Dr. Achilles Katamba of Makerere University talking about their 99DOTS work in Uganda
- Aleksey Bogdanov of PATH Ukraine sharing their work with VOT and evriMED in Ukraine
Attendees walked away with concrete, practical steps for successful DAT implementation, as well as useful and sharable information, including:
- An implementation checklist
- Slides from all of the presenters/presentations
- A recording of the event
These items can be accessed by completing this form.